Invest In You
We are beyond dedicated to creating the best self-love & self-care experience for every woman. This amazing experience is such a therapeutic way to help you celebrate your triumphs & navigate your traumas. Our mission is to celebrate you & to focus on all that makes you such a beautiful person. #selflovequeen
+ Many women that walk through my door struggle with body image, eating disorders, mental health, physical health, trauma, abuse history, divorce, infidelity, infertility, and/or other personal reasons.
+ My job is to provide a safe and comfortable atmosphere - both emotionally and physically. It is not uncommon to shed a few tears during your session whether it is of happiness, relief or you just feel like venting. I am here for all of it.

Being Comfortable With Vulnerability
Yes being in lingerie in front of anyone is a very personal and vulnerable thing. We strive to make you feel super comfortable, put some music on, and let you just be you. If this is a gift for someone else just imagine how excited they will be and how they already see you as a beautiful vixen ;) Got any cellulite...girl we all do! Got any spider veins, random hair that didn't get waxed....don't you worry we will do those minor retouches.
This is a fun time to be the sexy you and own it!
+ All images that you see on the website and marketing materials are used with permission.
+ Upon booking, you’ll be given our contract which contains a number of different privacy options for you to choose from.
If we make self-love or body acceptance conditional, the truth is, we will never be happy with ourselves. The reality is that our bodies are constantly changing, and they will never remain exactly the same. If we base our self-worth on something as ever-changing as our bodies, we will forever be on the emotional roller coaster of body obsession and shame.
— Chrissy King